Community, Creativity, Career: The Triple C Effect of Coworking Spaces for GenZ

17 May, 2024

“In a traditional office, colleagues often do the same work as you, leading to limited conversation. On the contrary, coworking bridges that gap, fostering diverse exchanges and expanding horizons.”
                                                      - Ravi Tewari
                                                    Assistant Vice President, Z Funds

In the world of coworking spaces, where professionals of all ages connect to collaborate and innovate, there's a story unfolding. Meet Ravi Tewari, a 21-year-old Assistant Vice President of Z Funds and the youngest member of Uncubate whose path highlights the transforming effect of coworking spaces for personal and professional development, particularly among the Gen Z workforce.

Ravi Tewari's journey through the coworking ecosystem sheds light on the developing perspective of professional needs among Generation Z. His emphasis on genuine connections and collaboration represents a generation that values not only  purposeful work but overall development. 

For Ravi, coworking has been more than just a place to work; it's been a catalyst for building his career and expanding his horizons. As a young professional in the finance industry, Ravi found himself surrounded by like-minded individuals eager to learn about mutual fund investments. Leveraging the collaborative environment of Uncubate, Ravi fostered relationships based on genuine interest and trust. This led to not only professional success but also personal fulfillment as he found himself connecting with coworkers on a deeper level. On which he says, “Building personal connections in a coworking space isn't just about professional gains; it's about creating friendships that enrich both your personal and professional life." 

One of the key insights Ravi shares is the importance of networking with authenticity. He emphasizes the value of curiosity and genuine interest in understanding others' work processes and perspectives. Coworking spaces provide the perfect setting for this kind of organic networking, where diverse professionals come together, each bringing their unique skills and experiences to the table.

Ravi also highlights the advantage of coworking over traditional office environments when it comes to networking. In a traditional office, colleagues often share similar roles and responsibilities, limiting the scope for meaningful interaction. In contrast, coworking spaces facilitate cross-disciplinary collaboration, allowing individuals to learn from each other and broaden their knowledge base.

Beyond professional networking, Ravi recognizes the importance of building personal connections in the coworking community. He acknowledges that his journey from introversion to openness was spurred by the supportive environment of Uncubate. In India, where emotional connections are deeply ingrained in the culture, coworking spaces serve as hubs for building both professional networks and lasting friendships. Upon which he says,”"India relies on emotional relationships. Coworking spaces cultivate these connections, creating an environment in which professionals may not only collaborate but also form long-term bonds.`` 

In embracing the Triple C Effect—Community, Creativity, and Career—Ravi exemplifies how Gen Z professionals are redefining success in the modern workplace. Looking to the future, Ravi sees coworking spaces as incubators for innovation and entrepreneurship. By nurturing relationships with talented individuals across various fields, he envisions a network of collaborators ready to support each other in their ventures.